Aubrie Alise Tolman

Family. Gospel. Photos. Music. Fitness. Health. Kade is my better half. We're "Dual Cool" :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Double Life

As time passes my split between photography and fitness are becoming more even... which is great! I could never give up one of them, I'd rather them be equal :) And I just decided to combine the two in a small way haha I'm starting a new thread on my photography blog of FITNESS photographed. Yeah! its fun :) I'm exicted to expand it. This is my first of the collection. Yeah I know its me, but the rest of them wont be. I think.
Valentines day was nice. I was sick but we had dinner and Kade drove us up to our spot :) We havent been there in forever! But we're old and married now... so we only stayed a minute then went home to bed haha! Best part of the night was the card he got me - just the fact that he got me a card! :) I love him! :D
I'll be graduating in May. Kade too. I'm excited to get some pics in the gowns. We prob wont even go to the ceremony, ha! Then I'll certify with the American Council of Exercise and start teaching. Kade will start work in a pharmacy. Good luck to us both.
A puppy is in our close future. When the stars align :) money and time.
I'm quite proud of the pics I did for my brother and his girlfriend. Check em out on my photography blog ;) My awesome brother in law JC is helping me with a website. I'm so excited! He has awsome ideas and mad skills!