Aubrie Alise Tolman

Family. Gospel. Photos. Music. Fitness. Health. Kade is my better half. We're "Dual Cool" :)

Friday, July 22, 2011


Its been a hard summer. Kade has been working 75 hours a week- leaving 6am, gets home 10pm. But he is finally at the end of his externship. Next week he'll finish his hours, take the test, get his license, and start workin in a pharmacy. We're really excited for camping this weekend and powell in 2 weeks- he REALLY needs a break!

I've decided to read. I want to read books! haha :) its better than playing online all day long on my days off. I am hoping to get more photoshoots lined up.

Rawlie swam for the first time! I'm so excited to take her to Powell! She's such a smart dog! We love her so much! She is so affectionate and fun to play with. No need for babies, we have a great little family :)